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Category Archives: Senior Sessions

Congratulations Class of 2022! Welcome Class of 2023

Congratulations Class of 2022! High school is now in your taillights with the future looking bright in front of you. As Dr. Seuss says, Oh the places you will go. This year I had a record number of friend and sibling sessions. And a first for me – a cousin session! I thoroughly enjoy doing...

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Colorado Mountain Snow Senior Photo Fun – With Dogs!

When your mom is your senior photographer, you get a LOT of sessions, I think we are on senior session number, oh, five, by now. But one thing that doesn’t change just because I know you is that I work with you, my client to come up with ideas, location and styling to reflect you!...

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Denver Senior Photo Session – Urban Park Close to Home

Wow, my Class of 2021 summer and fall senior season is just about wrapped up. I have had so many wonderful sessions in a variety of locations around Denver and the mountains. But being nearly done means I finally have a moment to breathe – and post! This year’s kids have a lot on their...

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Colorado Summer Sunset Senior Session

I will not lie to you, all photo sessions are a lot of work, but some require more of my energies than others. Maybe I have to corral toddlers who refuse to stay in one spot for even 1/250th of a second. Or I’m tromping waist deep through snow in single digit temperatures. But then...

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Boulder Foothills Senior Session

Colorado is a fabulous place to live, work and play. We have great urban spaces, and of course the main draw – Mountains! That secret was leaked years ago, so I don’t feel bad leading with it… I’m fairly confident no security-level info was just given away. But my point… Colorado is beautiful, and we...

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Urban + Football Field Fun Senior Session in Denver, Colorado

I’m behind (as usual) on my blogging, but this time it is because I’ve been sooo busy, not the usual reason (me = slacker) I have had a fantastic season of senior sessions so far. The class of 2020 has so far been such a group of thoughtful, funny, creative and unique thinkers who are...

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Downtown Denver Senior Photo Fun

I know! It’s been a while since you heard from me. It has been one crazy summer for my family and me. And even though here in Colorado, kids are back in school, summer really isn’t over yet. But hey, Denver area people, have you felt that cool breeze the past two days? And a...

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Senior Workshop Share and Colorado Senior Photo Session Excitement

Well, August is nearly here and in my world that means back to school and senior photos. I have been doing a little digital housecleaning this week, and thought I would share the last of my favorites from the inspiring Evoke Workshop I attended in Bend, Oregon in May. These girls were so very sweet...

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Senior Photo Urban Fun

I am super excited to share more photos from the Evoke Workshop I attended in Oregon earlier this month. Last post, I shared the beautiful (inside and out) Lauren at the awe-inspiring Smith Rock State Park. Today I’m going to give you all a peek at our urban session. Both Smith Rock and Bend were...

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This Colorado Photographer Gets Outta Town!

Last weekend I had the honor spending time with a marvelously talented group of women. The Evoke Workshop was two full days of intense senior photography learning, honing and practice. We were in beautiful Sunriver and Bend, Oregon. An area which has fantastic outdoor natural areas as well as some urban living as well. Just...

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